National Guacamole Day

>> Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Even though this can be added to my (long) list of foods I happen to dislike there is no reason not to celebrate it! I have many a people in my life that absolutely adore some fresh peeps, this ones for you!


I found this article at on guacamole trends and we do like trends here at One Woman's Quest. Sounds like interesting stuff. Click here, read it, ill wait.

I must say for years my mom's been whipping up a seven layer dip (ish) type thing. She does include guacamole in it and while I don't have a liking to that ingredient I do love the dip, I just pick around the green stuff. yes, I am that utterly annoying person that is holding up the line so I can scoop, pick, push aside the stuff I don't like to get to the stuff I do. Sorry, but wouldn't you prefer I actually let that for you to have as opposed to taking it in my helping and throwing it away. That's wasteful...we don't do wasteful in this house!

Anyway, here's my moms layered dip...its pretty standard but welcomed warmly at gatherings.

Layer 1- Re fried beans
Layer 2- Colby Jack shredded cheese
Layer 3- Sour cream
Layer4- Salsa ( of the medium variety)
Layer 5- Cooked ground beef
Layer 6- Some more re fried beans
Layer 7- Guacamole

Garnish with some black olives and a little more shredded cheese and green onion for good measure!

Dip in,

1 People who are hungry too?:

Anonymous September 18, 2009 at 10:01 AM  

You spelled "You're" wrong in the banner.

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