The most bland but OH SO GOOD chili

>> Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love chili but only if its the chili that my mom makes (now I make it too). Hubs is not very onto spicy so my chili recipe was perfect for him.

It consists of very little (which I love) and takes very little effort (which I love even more)!

I usually make this dish on a Sunday since it needs to simmer for as long as you are willing to let simmer. The longer the better.

Turkey Chili


One package of ground turkey. I use the 43% fat kind
4 Cans of plain tomato sauce
2(ish) Cans of Campbell's tomato soup
1 tablespoon Chili powder (you will need to add more as it simmers)
A couple sprinkles of Garlic powder
Onion powder ( a few sprinkles should do the trick)


1. Brown the ground turkey until cooked

2. Combine all cans of tomato sauce, tomato soup and ground turkey in a large pot

3. Add about 1 tablespoon of chili powder

4. Add the garlic powder and a few sprinkles of onion powder

5. Let simmer on low for as long as you can. The longer it simmers the better.

6. After it simmers for a little, taste and add chili powder to taste. I usually end up adding quite a bit.

I usually serve it with white or brown (when I'm being a good girl) rice in the bottom of the bowl. Add chili on top of rice and sprinkle shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Mix together...or not.

If you prefer you can skip the rice and scoop the chili with tostito chips.


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