Who would have thought...

>> Monday, September 14, 2009

That Quaker oats would have a recipe for oatmeal raisin cookies inside the container. NOT ME!

I decided I needed to grow up, be a big girl so a couple of weeks ago bought some oatmeal for breakfast. I have never in my life tried it and for good reason...it has Never looked appetizing to me.

Well, I was right! It was horrible.

Please understand....I get that there are people out there who love it and good for you. I tried it (3 brands/flavors to be exact) and couldn't stand it. End of story!

Well, now what in the world was I going to do with a can of plain oatmeal (hubs won't eat oatmeal either). It never dawned on me because....I'm a cookie made from a box kinda gal that you could in fact make oatmeal raisin cookies outta this crap!
I made them and they were fantastic...really, really good.

quaker oats Pictures, Images and Photos

So, if someone out there is dying for the Quaker Oats Oatmeal Raisin Recipe, here ya:

*The Best Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, ever!

*hubs tested and approved!


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